Refinance expert Malaysia ChuYao

Mortgage loan consultant specializes in refinance & rejected loans since 2018

With knowledge from his 3 years experience in BlueBricks and property insights from another 11 years experience in Property Developer, Chu Yao is well-known for providing one-stop services to his customers effectively and professionally, especially in housing loans, mortgage loans, rejected bank loan,s and refinancing.

Approach Chu Yao and the team! We are confident to help you to resolve your loan issues! Let us know your financial goal, and we understand well how the bank code works.

Believe us, we are specialized and experienced in solving rejected bank loans and we are dedicated to helping you in refinancing, so you can regain loan offers from the bank!

Saving in loan fee
Average success rate



We have served many clients who come to us because their loan applications were rejected by banks year after year. You are not alone. We fully understand how devastated you must feel. Do not lose hope. We are here, and we are committed to walking you through the processes right to the end where you get your bank loan approved.



Get your refinancing approved hassle-free in 14 days even if banks have previously rejected your application.


Debt Consolidation

Consolidate your debts into a single long-term property bank loan with low interest rates.


Mortgage Loan

We are experts in mortgage loans such as the full-flexible loan, semi-flexible loan, fixed-rate loan and LPPSA loan.


Collateral Loan

We offer advise as well as analyse the benefits and drawbacks of your choice of collateral.


Rejected Bank Loan

We have the expertise in this crucial area of concern. All you have to do is make contact with us and
then let us take it from there.


Real Successful Loan Stories

A client applied for loan of 2.5 million for his first housing loan successfully.

Besides going to apply for a huge loan amount, we faced another challenge while applying for a housing loan. We have ‘2’ in customer CCRIS (Central Credit Reference Information System) which we got in the latest month. Having payments in arrears and many unsecured loans, such as personal loans or loans without collateral will lead to a bad CCRIS record and a negative impression. Banks opine that only people with financial issues will apply for more personal loans.

Apart from that, he just started his business 2 years ago, which is also his first and only income source. 2-year is the minimum bar for most of the banks to recognize the income, not to mention he wanted to loan a 2.5 million suddenly whilst the highest loan amount for his existing loan is only RM110k. For your information, banks categorize this kind of case as highly risky for them, hence they normally do not prefer to accept such a big loan amount, especially for the first-time loaner.

However, although we have much challenges, we eventually got his loan APPROVED!

No Bank Statement, No Credit Card, All Cash Income but Loan Approved

This client is operating a hawker stall in a food court. All the income is via cash only. No bank is used, as well as credit cards. Therefore, he has no bank statement to justify and prove his income. How Chu Yao helps him in getting his loan approved?

Chu Yao gave a site visit to his stall and prepared a detailed report to the bank to prove his income! Finally, he got his loan approved!

How to get loan approved with no credit history and income not stable?

It is hard to get the loan approved if you have no credit history because banks do not know your financial histories and they have no clue if you can pay on time.

Besides zero credit history, this client was changing his job frequently. This condition and No consistency in EPF contribution reduce the chance of approval as banks think that the income source is not stable and they think it is the high rate that you are not able to pay back the loan.

Mortgage loan is approved with the interview of Chu Yao to that customers to understand his income sources in the past 2 years; submit a report to bank with relevant documents to prove the current income is stable and the reasons why the loan can continue to be repaid.




Call us for a solution when your approved home loan amount is insufficient or if you need an increase within the same home loan.

Get in touch with us when you need help negotiating an extra loan to pay for the valuation and legal fees, renovations, to settle your personal loan, your car loan, for travel or for any other reasons you need the extra cash.

Applying for loans when the current property market value is too high can be as tricky as applying for a bank loan for a property whose current market value is low. We can offer you an efficient solution. Dial us now and let’s work towards getting you the amount you need to proceed.


We have helped numerous clients in increasing the said housing loan amount. Also, we helped numerous clients in getting the market value of the property for bank loan application, at the value of as per client request.



We strongly believe in customer satisfaction, accountability and responsibility. Leave us a message and we will get back to you the soonest!